The peoples do not need mouse fuss, They do not need unjustified deaths. I have already agreed to become a deliverer from lies. Now you, the Peoples, believe this. 01/10/2021 Anatoly Sheidin (Anshey Din)
Obviously, the time has come, set by the Almighty, to enlighten the peoples, calling a spade a spade. Perhaps this lot fell on me, although God sees that, despite his many indications in the form of strange coincidences, I, an opponent of all religions, resisted this for a long time and delayed this time, doubting the possibility of such a choice. And there was every reason for this. Judge for yourself. Could I admit that a person who doubts the very existence of the Almighty, who created Man in his own image and likeness, could become his chosen one?
I not only doubted, but I was sure that I could not be such a chosen one, but I really wanted to look at the appearance of the Messiah, predicted by one of the Israeli newspapers in April or May 1992, that such an event was expected in Israel on the twentieth of October 1992. I myself planned to be in Israel in August 1992 and hoped that I would become a witness of this event. However, circumstances did not allow me to leave in August, and I arrived in Israel only on October 20th. Mashiach had not yet appeared, but in Israel they continued to believe in his imminent arrival, as evidenced by periodic publications on this topic.
While reading "The Jewish War" by Lion Feuchtwanger, I came across one of the names of the Jewish god, the root consonants of which coincided with the root of my last name.
Mentally, I joked that maybe I was his distant descendant, especially since the name of my father coincides with the name of one of the greatest prophets of Israel.
And another strange coincidence. Arriving in Israel, I tried to publish the idea of supplementing the structure of the United Nations with a representative office of the Civil Forums of the countries that are members of the UN, in order to exclude the arbitrariness of individual heads of state both in their own country and in international relations. This article, like many others, I signed next to the full name and surname more abbreviated (for ease of pronunciation) - Anshey Din, and one day I discovered that this signature in Hebrew means "the court of peoples", that is, it coincides with the essence of my recommendations about Civil Forum. "Interesting coincidence" - I thought then, and suddenly remembered that I arrived in Israel just when the Mashiach was expected to appear. A lot of strange coincidences. However, I remained confident that these were only coincidences, nothing more. My main argument was that a person who does not believe in the existence of God himself cannot be the chosen one of God.
I was not even convinced by the fact that the diagnostic device of the Russian doctors, the spouses of the Neumyvakins Ivan Pavlovich and Lyudmila Stepanovna, widely known in domestic and international scientific organizations, gave an affirmative answer to my direct question: "Am I Mashiach?" At the same time, I was very skeptical about the device and diagnostic methods, accusing respected scientists of almost quackery. Of course, I apologized, the incident was hushed up and we parted amicably, although I still remained of my opinion that all this is absurd and I can't be the Mashiach and have no desire.
In later publications on the topic of Mashiach, his appearance was predicted on the threshold of the third millennium. And, if it was previously stated that the Mashiach would not be a Jew, then after the discovery of "tears" on the holy stone of the Temple Mount, in Arabic publications it was stated that it was the Jew who would be the Mashiach (and, by the way, both my mother and father are Jews) . But there are many Jews, especially those who believe and may want to be the Mashiach, who, of course, should be perceived as a Teacher. And I do not consider myself entitled to teach scholars who all their lives do nothing but study the scriptures, trying to figure out the hidden interpretations of individual phrases. Compared to them, I'm just an ignoramus. The question is different. Is what they are doing, the knowledge of the truth, or is it empty conjecture around a well-thought-out ambiguity that allows any life fact to be seen in an inscribed prescription, even if, for example, such a concept as "jihad" is interpreted by three scholars in different ways (FLB - "Theme very confusing ... "What is jihad according to the American researcher - Stefan RUPERT).
And absolutely unexpected for me were the statements and predictions of famous seers in the article by Gleb Shcherbatov "What is the Wailing Wall crying about?", which stated that:
"The day will come when all religions will disappear!" (VANGA),
"In this gallery of leaders of the world, I distinguish more or less clearly two. One of them is destined to become the supreme mentor, it seems, immediately after the referendum that will predetermine the transformation of the World Federation into a monolith (DANIIL ANDREEV)
"Then in Celtic Gaul, only one mentor of the peoples will be found. A person who has received power from God will ascend the throne; many wise decrees will call for peace" (ORVAL)
"I saw how many pastors took as the basis ideas dangerous for the very existence of the Church. They built a huge, strange and unusual Church. was to become a new Church...
...I saw the savior and reformer of the church - this is a small man in whose face there is something Jewish. He carried the broken nave. He is the second "Saint Francis". 12 new apostles rushed to help this man, who in the end saved the nave from destruction" ( ANNA KATHARINA EMMERICH)
"... there are a number of Christian prophecies about the coming of the "savior" and "peacemaker", and according to them, the time for his accession is about to come. Christians even know the name of this future world king. His name is Antichrist "(Gleb Shcherbatov)
I have included only brief excerpts from this publication to highlight two points that struck me the most:
One of them is the reference to the referendum, which coincides with the idea of creating the International Non-Governmental Organization "Civil Forum" and its national branches, and the other is the critical attitude of God's chosen one to existing religions to such an extent that the world of believers is ready to call him the Antichrist and recognize him as a worldwide king.
For the time being, I will refrain from commenting on the information given, emphasizing only that it greatly undermined my conviction that all the coincidences given are just an accident. I began to feel unconscious guilt for the slaughter that is taking place in the world, mainly under the banner of Islam. Maybe you need to intervene? However, without associating myself with any chosen one, but as an ordinary citizen who is not indifferent to what is happening in the world and, in particular, in the countries of my residence, I tried to express my point of view to those in power. Since 1993, I have been advocating the need to create a system of express polling of the population based on foremen, centurions, thousands, etc., which would allow, without significant costs, using the initiative of volunteers, to attract the population of the country to actively express their attitude to the adoption of laws and regulations government on the most important issues for the citizens of the country.
Mashiach, according to publications, should appear when the Jews feel completely bad. And what about the Jews now?
Note 1. Already after the publication of this material (without the abbreviations made), I happened to read that the Mashiach in Israel will appear from Russia. And in one of the radio broadcasts, it was stated that Mashiach should be, according to the astrological calendar, a "calf", clearly disposed favorably to Israel. I am really a "Taurus" and came to Israel from Russia. Could it be another coincidence? Or... "According to the worldview of the Torah, there is one and only solution to all problems, a solution that is real and embracing all the problems that have arisen during the years of our exile, a solution that will lead to the correction of the whole world under the rule of the Almighty. This is the King Mashiach. To bring him, the Jewish the people in general and each of us in particular must perform teshuva ... "If a king from the line of David rises, studying the Torah and fulfilling the commandments, like his ancestor David, according to the Written and Oral Torah, and will force all Israel to follow it and strengthen it, and will lead the wars of the Almighty... he is considered Mashiach... He will correct the whole world, and together they will serve G-d, as it is said: He is unanimous" (Rambam, Laws on Tsars, ch. 11) "... And despite the fact that he is delayed, I will still wait for his arrival every day ..." see Uriel Zimmer Note 2. The word Anshey, as it turned out, figured in the Torah. Look: B. Men of the Great Assembly Anshey Knesset haGdola, Men of the Great Assembly, - Anshey Knesset hаГдола, Мужи Великого Собрания, - this is 120 wise men, among whom were Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi ... Nevertheless, despite the many strange coincidences, I am not inclined to such a belief, expressed in the title of the article, even though I have my own view on the following concepts: The human community is a new structure of the natural development of a biological object in a modern information environment, Religious training in worshiping gods and their preachers - a real threat to the existence of humanity, Intimate communion with God, with a beloved image - this is religion, faith in the moral values of accepted behavior, mass - this is politics, Democracy is not power. This is just a way and an opportunity to express your opinion. A "Jew" is a person who practices Judaism. He can be of any nationality, and if he is not a Jew from birth, then he cannot be a Jew, even having converted."Jew" is a nationality, a certain genotype, characterized both by some external manifestations, and by the way of behavior, caused by the upbringing and attitude towards him in the external environment. A Jew can profess any religion or be an atheist, like other people who do not believe in God. " Jewish Democratic State"- this state, which gives preferential rights to Jews to obtain citizenship with the provision of equal other rights to citizens of other nationalities. Due to the ongoing confrontation and enmity on the part of the Arab states, which threaten the existence of Israel, the latter may take measures limiting the penetration of the highest structures of supreme power and the leadership of the power structures of Israeli citizens of other nationalities, at least for the next fifty years. But I emphasize again that this is my private opinion, which may change over time and with changing external relations between nations. Note (added 17.05.2019): It makes sense to pay attention to the alien from the cosmos, who won the American stock exchange - Vladimir LAGOVSKY. Secret Andrew Karlsina - millionaire from the future - revealed. "A swindler who came to us on a time machine from 2256 earned 350 million dollars on the stock market. A small investigation showed that: for the first time, Karlsin appeared in our time in mid-March 2003. About him was written by the tabloid Weekly World News (WWN). And heightened the suspicion that the "player" really could have come from the future. He cited the words of one of the investigators. He said that, of course, he does not believe in myths about the time machine. But his attempts to find references to a person named Andrew Karlsin were not successful. Mol, there is no information about what he existed until December 2002... In prison, Karlsin offered the investigation a deal. He promised in exchange for freedom to reveal the place where bin Laden is hiding. And explain how to make a cure for AIDS. But suddenly He refused to indicate the place where his time machine was hidden. They said that someone had posted a million-dollar bail for Andrew. He got out of prison and, of course, disappeared. Rumor has it that he is hiding somewhere in Canada. And by electric pochte shares some information from the future. For example, he claims, that there are colossal oil reserves hidden in the Canadian province of Alberta. And here it is supposedly possible to produce 300 million barrels a day. Although it is difficult, since the oil is heavy, deep deposits of sand are impregnated with it. Then, in 2006, he promised to come to the world in 2007. But he didn't show up And here it is supposedly possible to produce 300 million barrels a day. Although it is difficult, since the oil is heavy, deep deposits of sand are impregnated with it. Then, in 2006, he promised to come to the world in 2007. But he didn't show up." Note А.Д.: I decided to check whether his prediction was confirmed? Reading on Canadian Petroleum Industry: “Canada is a major oil exporter, with an export network of 3,289 million barrels per day. Currently, Canada is the seventh largest [1] producer of oil. It is surpassed only by Saudi Arabia, Russia, the United States, Iran, China and Mexico. Almost the entire export flow is directed to the United States, and Canada is now the main an American oil exporter. Currently, Canada's proven oil reserves are the second largest in the world. They are estimated at 178.9 billion barrels of oil (13.21% of world reserves[2]). This means that Canadian oil reserves are huge and second only to Saudi Arabia (using current technological estimates). Most of these reserves (more than 95%) belong to oil sand deposits in Alberta, which are much more difficult to extract than ordinary oil." 100% confirmed Andrew Karlsin's prediction. The ability of psychics and diviners to guess or predict the future becomes understandable. They manage to extract from the archives of the past of other planets events, facts and images that should only happen on the planet Earth. And the most difficult thing is to strain your thinking so that the biofields of today and the past coincide. For one it is easier, for another it is more difficult, as we observed in the predictions of Wolf Messing. Update dated 08/30/2019. See video I offer one more link: "In 722, the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel - Samaria - was defeated by the formidable warriors of Assyria, and its population, the descendants of ten of The 12 tribes of Israel were resettled by the Assyrians in Media. among Judaic movements. According to one version, they will return before the coming of the Messiah (Mashiach)."ЃС‚РѕСЂРёСЏ_Древнего_РзраиДя_Рё_RSѓРґРµРё ... An amazing coincidence. Do you have to agree to this? Author : Anatoly Sheidin (Anshey Din), initiator of supplementing the structure of the UN by the International Non-Governmental Organization "Civil Forum", whose national branches should be an indispensable condition for any state to join the UN. 09/18/2006 2006 Anatoly Sheidin (Anshey Din). All rights reserved. Added 12/20/2020: Rabbi Shalom Arush, founder of Chut Shel Chessed Institutions, made an absolutely amazing statement: on September 18, Jews will celebrate the last New Year without the Messiah. "I'm going to tell you with confidence that Gd will help us meet together after Rosh Hashanah," Rabbi Arush said in an interview last week. “And remember well that I am telling you that this Rosh Hashanah will be the last without Mashiach. And it may well be that right on this Rosh Hashanna the Messiah will be revealed.” The rabbi emphasized that he had never made such a claim before: “Anyone who knows me can attest that I have been teaching for over 40 years and have never spoken about the Messiah. But these things are clear, and everyone sees it. I can't explain, but please don't miss it. Because this year you will receive a gift like never before.” “I know that in heaven I will be asked for every word that I now speak. So I can't just say things like that on my own. This year people will receive a great gift - do not miss it. Make an effort. There is nothing to fear." Comments: To date, many well-known rabbis have already spoken about the coming of the Messiah to the Jews in 2020. So, back in February 2020, Rabbi Yakov Zissholtz, in an interview with Radio 2000, told the audience that the Messiah was already in Israel, but so far only the hidden righteous could speak to him. Further in March, Rabbi Kanievsky, the most famous rabbi in Israel, asked his people to prepare a glima (glima, ceremonial white robe) for him. Why - he did not specify, but as everyone immediately thought - the rabbi is preparing to meet the Messiah. And in April 2020, it was no longer a mystic who spoke about this, but an official - the Minister of Health of Israel, who said that only the coming of Mashiach would stop the pandemic. Finally, in the summer of this year, Rabbi Glazerson, who deciphered the codes of the Bible, also stated that Mashiach would come this very year: However, the most important is the prophecy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who back in 1976 said the following about the coming of the Messiah: "Two zero two zero - it will end." In addition to this, there are 10 signs of the coming of the Messiah, indicated in ancient prophecies. All of them came true, which we described in detail in the material 10 signs of the coming of Mashiach from ancient prophecies. 9 have already been implemented. And the most recent of these signs is the situation with the government of Israel, which will be dissolved from day to day with the appointment of elections in November, which, according to their prophecies, will never take place. Read more about this in our material The government of Israel will be dissolved and the fourth elections will be called. And now one more warning is added to all this, another famous rabbi. Moreover, as he himself says, for such forecasts the clergy are asked very harshly, these are not great supreme leaders who go around the ears of voters for decades, promising the onset of paradise after some time. Then the leader goes to the places of good hunting, another one sits on his stool - and turns on the record again. And everyone listens to him with open ears. And no one presents empty wallets and bellies. Therefore, since the rabbis are speaking, and they are already speaking in unison, then everything will be exactly the same, based on the Book of Revelation, there will be quite a lot of events. Source: After September 18, Mashiach will come. My comment: Yes, I really came. Until April 2, 2009, I still had hope that all the coincidences stated on would turn out to be just random coincidences allowed by probability theory, But, after reading about an alien from another planet, Andrew Karlsin (see ) and making sure that his predictions about the huge deposits of crude oil in the Canadian province of Alberta were 100% confirmed , I believed in the existence of another planet, where, when 2003 was on earth, they had the year 2256, and everything that the Earthlings had before this year was the future, for the inhabitants of that planet was already stored in the archive. I believed in the existence of the Book of Events that will take place on Earth, in a difficult state for the Jewish state, when Mashiach should appear. On 01/07/2020, I addressed the members of the Knesset and the President of Israel Ruby Rivlin with the recognition of myself as a possible Mashiach, offering to hear my opinion on the formation of a future government and discussing the participation of a possible Mashiach in governing the country for a period of one year to bring the country out of the impasse. My offer was ignored. Perhaps we should have started with believing Jews. But the proposal to organize a meeting of the possible Messiah with the assistance of the Chabad branch in Or Akiva did not find support. There were too many applicants who pretended to be Mashiach. I appeal to those who believe in the coming of Messiah. Take the initiative, determine the meeting place for the leadership of believing Jews, Christians, Muslims of all faiths, and I will come to you for this meeting for a confidential conversation about Mashiach, about the essence of God, about the unity of peoples. The offer must be made in the form of an official offer, signed by the organizers of the meeting, indicating the place and time of the meeting (preferably in the center of the country) with the obligatory fulfillment of the requirement to wear a mask when approaching at a distance of less than two meters. With deep respect for every possible participant in the meeting. Anatoly Sheidin (Anshey Din) My e-mail: [email protected] Subject of the letter: Meeting with the possible Messiah. Before the meeting, I recommend reading by making yourself at least an electronic translation into an understandable language. I read it myself - recommend to friends to read it. Ahead of us is the fourth early election. Read the priority program at interests of party bosses. The author of the news - Anshey Din