Claims against Claims Conference

8 сентября 2021

Claims against Claims Conference                                                                                              

Author - Anatoly Sheydin (Anshey Din)


Instead of a preface

We, two elderly retirees, received a letter from the Claims Conference, in which they informed us that we, the victims of the Holocaust, who once received a one-time benefit from Germany, are entitled to an additional benefit if we fill out the lines of personal data, and they will not raise additional questions from verifiers. We filled in and even helped the neighbors. The only thing that confused me was the text of the "statement" and "consent" that I had to sign, as well as the fact that I would not mind if my confidential data could be transferred to third parties who may be co-executors of this work.

At  the questionnaire itself and in section 8 the text of the "statement" and "consent" are published.



When we arrived in Israel in October 1992, virtually without means of subsistence (100 euros and 50 US dollars), the offer to fill out a questionnaire and provide all possible data in order to receive a one-time allowance from Germany made us do a work, which I remember today with a shudder. But the work was done and ... suspended, as it turned out that persons under the retirement age did not have the right to apply. In addition to being denied benefits, they lost the right to re-submit such requests when they reached retirement age. But, filling out their details and spending weeks and months on it, they did not even suspect that they could be refused for such a reason. It is difficult to call such activity of the Claims Conference otherwise, as criminal.

Only in 2003, after I reached the age of 65, we sent all the requested documents and received an allowance of 2,556 euros each.

Having received a cover letter and questionnaires in Russian at the end of 2020 from the Claims Conference in Russian with a request to fill them out in order to receive additional payments to victims of the Holocaust with a request to sign on each sheet, in fact, we did not have any difficulties, except for those sheets on which the text was printed "Statements" and "consent".


These questions themselves turned out to be more modest, and we, having put down the necessary data and put our signatures, sent the completed sheets to the address indicated in them by registered mail. Each document was assigned an application number.

On March 11, 2021 (already in Hebrew) Claims Conference confirmed receipt of the materials and explained the delay in payment by the fact that

"There are a lot of applications. Therefore, there was a delay in payment. APPLICATION IN WORK. We have to wait. "

I asked the neighbors whom we helped fill out the documents if they received such a letter? They said that both (brother and sister) had already received 1200 euros.

On March 18, 2021 (and again in Hebrew), I received a message from Claims Conference:

"We have reviewed your request for supplementary payment from the Assistance Fund. It has been determined that in order to continue to process your application. We need more information "

In the further text on the first sheet, I read the phrase highlighted in it:

"If we do not receive your reply within 120 days from the date of this letter, processing of your request will be discontinued. 

Why? If the first line of the "Individual Application Form" contains:

"The application for the Supplemental Persecution Benefit must be submitted no later than December 31, 2022"

In the next paragraph "Compensation information" it is written:

"This form is for those who have already received a payment from the Hardship Fund".

The question arises: What kind of serious data did the Claims Conference experts lack to make such a stern warning, which contradicts their own statement? As it turned out, they were not interested in any additional data, except for the presence of signatures under the texts of the "statement" and "consent", which we may not have signed after reading the text.

Analysis of information

Interestingly, that the text of "statement" and "consent" drawn up on behalf of the  Applicant. Having read the text of these documents, it becomes obvious that they are designed for people who have suffered either mentally or mentally, or who are tired of the struggle for existence, and who rely more on the principle: "Perhaps it will bypass me." Here is one paragraph from the "Statement":

"I know that I have no legal right to receive compensation. Based on the foregoing, I declare categorically - to the extent permitted by law - waiver, now or in the future, of any claims against (Claims Conference, Commission on Jewish Material Claims against Germany) in connection with the content or procedure for considering this application " ...

What does it mean? How can the Applicant, as a rule, who does not know the legislation of the country of his residence, know the legislation of Germany, the country more than others known for the observance of the principle of "law and order", could he commit unauthorized actions?

Is the Claims Conference forcing me and hundreds of thousands of Holocaust victims to go to illegal ways to receive additional payments? And at the same time guarantee the waiver of any claims to Claims Conference?

Relying on complete idiots, ignoramuses or conscious accomplices of illegal actions?

At the same time, the Claims Conference demonstrates either complete ignorance of the laws (as far as allowed by law) or deliberately tries to circumvent them.

Just in case, among other "statements", the Claims Conference obliges applicants to sign the following clause:

"In the event that, in accordance with this declaration or under other circumstances, I am obliged to return the payment to the Claims Conference, I hereby acknowledge that I will also be obliged to reimburse the Claims Conference for any amounts and expenses spent by the Claims Conference in connection with the return of such payments ".

"Any amounts and expenses"? This means that there is no need to prove anything, since the applicant's signature is there.


And what should the applicant agree with in the "CONSENT" section?

From the almost full-page text, typed in small rather than regular type, we select several paragraphs of the applicant's "consent".

"I am aware that these documents and information may contain the following specific categories of personal data: name, address, age, date of birth, gender, education, profession, personal data indicating racial or ethnic origin, political and ideological orientation, religious affiliation, union membership and health data. "

In accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation ("Confidential Personal Data"), "information related to ethnic and racial origin, political and ideological orientation, religious beliefs, trade union membership and health status is classified as information of a special category. "

In the same paragraph, the Claims Conference provides the following comment:

"In accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation, we need to obtain your direct consent to the processing of Confidential Personal Data."

Again, the Claims Conference obliges the Applicant to know the text of the European Regulation well and, despite warnings, to initiate a gross violation of the European Regulation, due to which the legality of the actions of the Claims Conference may not be approved, the transaction is canceled, the funds returned, and the Applicant must pay for

all this, according to signed by him.

What is the attitude of people who were forced to flee from the bombing, abandoning their homes and property, trying to leave as far as possible from the advancing enemy, losing their loved ones to these issues?

The scoundrels, who shoot hundreds and thousands of Jews from infants to old people, were not interested in either the ideological, political or trade union interests of their victims. This is necessary for today's functionaries who distribute these one-time allowances, hoping to profit from those who, under various pretexts, will not give these one-time allowances or to sell them profitably to those who are interested in these data and build a policy on them.

Consider some more "consent" paragraphs:

"I understand that information concerning me and others named in this application, including my family, guardian or doctor (" Third Parties "), will be processed in accordance with the Claims Conference Privacy Notice, which can be found at                

http : // .

I acknowledge that I have shared with "Third Parties" this notice and have obtained permission from them to use their personal information in this application both through the Claims Conference and through other third parties listed in the notice. "

Question: How could this have been done without violating the Claims Conference prescription printed on each page:

"Do not photocopy this letter or pass it on to others."

And why for the sake of "third parties" who are not entitled to any reimbursement or compensation, will present their personal confidential?

Claims Conference's behavior raises many questions.

1. The reason for the delay in payment.

1.1 These payments are additional to those who have already received certain payments, having previously proven the right to receive them.

1.2 The number of those in need cannot increase, but only catastrophically decreases. For this reason, there was no reason for the delay in the planned payment dates.

1.3 The time frame could shift if it was necessary to process data for new recipients, but where would they come from? This could only apply to recipients from new funds, but in this case it is only for those who have already received from the Hardship Fund.

2. Is the delay in payments deliberately fraudulent?

2.1 Any storage of funds in the accounts of civilized banks at a certain interest increases deposits, creating excess profits distributed among interested parties, more often in the management of the organization. This is not a statement, but only a possible assumption.

2.2 Could not a huge bank of classified data received from gullible clients become a source of criminal money with very significant compensation for services rendered from fraudsters who penetrate bank accounts, housing stock, inherited property of gullible and helpless people?

3. Is such a solid and authoritative organization Claims Conference really so sinless, tirelessly waging a struggle for compensation of all kinds for people of Jewish nationality who suffered from the Holocaust?

Such a thought struck me as blasphemous myself, and I was ready to be ashamed of it if I didn't take it into my head to dispel my suspicions with the help of the Internet. It turned out that my suspicions were well founded.

By typing in the search bar on the Internet "Claims Conference. Crime ", I read:

1. At

"The Israeli press is full of reports that the Tel Aviv District Court upheld the claim of repatriates from the former USSR, members of the Children of War, against the local branch of the Claims Conference. According to this decision, 1,365 people should receive compensation in the amount of 14.5 thousand shekels (2,600 euros) each ".

"Six years and three months have passed since the filing of the claim, during this time about 30 (!) Court sessions were held, which were postponed and postponed many times. Twice the case materials (16 boxes of documents) mysteriously "disappeared" from the court and were found only after Marina Solodkina's appeal to the then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Aaron Barak. Several judges who were in charge of this case also changed".

Unfortunately, out of 1915 people who are represented in the claim of the "Children of War" association, 550 people were refused due to the statute of limitations. The fact is that in Israel this period is seven years, and those who were refused more than seven years before the filing of the claim were left behind.



The court harshly criticized the activities of the Claims Commission, i. e. Claims Conference, which for many years refused to satisfy the legitimate demands of the victims of the Holocaust. Due to the Commission's irresponsible actions, many plaintiffs were left without compensation. The court accused the Commission of immorality. "

"In a court ruling, the Claims Commission is accused of immoral acts and deceiving the trust of citizens. The commission prevented the plaintiffs from obtaining exhaustive information and did not provide them with the necessary documents in the language they speak,"- the court's ruling says.

21 thousand victims of the Holocaust "refuseniks" in Israel and Germany, who did not join the "Children of War" association at the date of the decision of the Tel Aviv court, were worried about the question: "Should this decision be considered as precedent?"

Attorney Yoram Sheftel answers this question in the affirmative. However, in his opinion, this will require an additional appeal of each "refusenik" to the Claims Conference. And this, as the experience of communication with the Claims Conference shows, will probably last not for months, but for years.

2. At

the section "Criticism" states:

"One of the most outspoken critics of the Claims Conference is Isi Leibler, former chairman of the Governing Body of the World Jewish Congress, who cites accusations of incompetence, obscenity and cover-up, as well as a lack of an independent supervisory board, bureaucratization and the dominance of a small clique. [9] [10]

In an article in The Jerusalem Post, he says that "the richest Jewish foundation in the world has so far failed to provide adequate financial assistance to elderly and sick Holocaust survivors who live in extreme poverty at the end of their lives. An organization that boasts that it currently holds $ 900 million in assets but cannot remedy such a condition should be held accountable for one of the greatest scandals in modern Jewish life. [nine]

The organization's priorities have also been criticized. Critics include Claims Conference Treasurer Roman Kent, a Holocaust survivor, who told The Jewish Chronicle: "Survivors are suffering. Our only priority should be the survivors, and everything else should be secondary. We spend money on thousands of projects, but the health of the survivors cannot wait. They die daily. " [...] "I'm not saying these are bad programs, but they can wait - otherwise they should be the responsibility of the global Jewish community, not the Claims Conference. [eleven]

A 2006 investigation report claimed that the organization, with $ 1.7 billion in its accounts, is funding social assistance for only 9,000 survivors, while "tens of millions of dollars every year" are spent on management costs, with the remainder going mostly organizations that have little to do with the Holocaust or its survivors. [12]

Amid this growing criticism, Germany's independent federal auditor's office announced that it was considering an investigation by the Claims Conference in June 2008. " [13]

The Fraud Allegations section states:

"On November 9, 2010, the US Attorney's Office announced an indictment against 11 Claims Conference employees and several others for fraud and embezzlement of more than $ 42 million.

The Claims Conference management alerted the FBI as soon as it discovered the fraud in 2009 and continues to work with the FBI.

On October 19, 2012, The Forward reported that the fraud had grown to $ 57 million. "

"In 2013, an 8-year prison term was handed down to the director of the funds of Art. 2 Semyon Domnitser ". [14] [15]

No, I have nothing to apologize to the Claims Conference. It's not just her. This is an organized mafia, in which, it is likely, she or with her participation, millions of citizens are robbed.

"The data of 6 million Israelis were published on an anonymous database", - tells us  .

But by clicking on this link, you have already read this:

"The page you are looking for no longer exists or never existed. You can try to find what you were looking for using the form below. If that still doesn't work, you can always start over from the home page. "

And this is reported to us by the same   

Here is the continuation of this disappeared page:

"The identities of all Israeli voters were leaked online again ahead of the Knesset elections. Obviously, this is due to the Elector application, which was accused of previous leaks, allegedly used at the time by the ruling Likud party to increase turnout, writes the Times of Israel.

The daily Haaretz reports that today, the day before the fourth national vote in 2 years, some journalists received a link to the Ghostbin database, a website that allows people to post anonymous messages.

Anonymous downloaders, identified as "Israel Autumn," reportedly said they were "forced" to publish information because the authorities were unable to deal with Elector. They did not provide any evidence.

One database contains a complete voter register, including the names and ballot numbers of all 6 million 528 thousand 565 eligible voters. The second contains actual names, addresses, identification numbers and other information. "

Any sane person sees that the personal data base has become a scarce commodity for fraudsters of all directions, for which they pay a lot of money, and ultimately the victims of this fraud pay off, losing not only financial resources or housing, but, often, their lives.

Fraud mechanism

1. Database manipulation

Let us leave aside the history of the emergence of the Commission on Jewish Material Claims against Germany (Claims Conference) and the chronology of agreements concluded between it, Germany and European banks, which agreed to transfer part of the values ​​that were not claimed by the owners of these funds or their heirs to the jurisdiction of the Claims Conference for compensation to Jewish families. victims of the Holocaust in World War II (WWII).

On the account of the Claims Conference there were huge funds, annually replenished depending on the number of survivors of the Holocaust, seeking from Germany consent to compensation for previously unaccounted for reasons.

Those who survived the Holocaust and received a one-time personal compensation earlier should have received an additional payment.

Claims Conference ( estimates that "approximately 240,000 Holocaust survivors will be eligible for these additional payments. The largest contingent resides in Israel, North America, the former Soviet Union and Western Europe.

€ 2,400 per person for two years adds up to a total payment obligation of € 564 million ($ 664 million) for the poorest Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. "

Photographer's comment: But plans are one thing, but reality, as we have already seen, looks different.

240 thousand Holocaust survivors eligible for additional payments are those who have passed all the barriers (before the retirement deadline - due to the fault of the Claims Conference, the statute of limitations - 7 years - due to the fault of the judicial system, which dragged out the investigation for six years, due to absence of the signature of the "Application" and "Consent" - due to the fault of Claims Conference, which has no right to such requirements).

How many of them will be denied again? Who will get the money meant for them? Who will bear responsibility before them, still living, or before the heirs of those who passed away without waiting for this breath of justice? Will there be a fair court and decent judges in our time?

2. Personnel policy

To check the huge database requested by Claims Conference, you need to either maintain or involve a huge army of executors or third-party organizations (third parties, third parties), checking the integrity of which, as well as the possibility of data leakage, is unlikely, which is confirmed by a systematic attack by various hackers and fraudsters on the means of communication of ordinary citizens. The problem has become global.

On May 25, 2019, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entered into force.

It amends and improves on the principles enshrined in the 1995 Personal Data Protection Directive to ensure that citizens' right to privacy is guaranteed.

On December 7, 2020, the EU adopts a global sanctions regime for human rights. The Council adopted a decision and ordinance establishing a global human rights sanctions regime.

For the first time, the EU is equipping itself with a structure that will allow it to target individuals, organizations and bodies, including state and non-state actors, who are responsible, involved in or associated with serious human rights violations and abuses around the world, no matter where they occur.

Questions arise:

Why, and on what grounds, does the Claims Conference persistently continue to squeeze out of the victims of the Holocaust data prohibited by the EU General Regulations?

 The conclusion is obvious from the above information:

1. The funds "saved" for various reasons are deposited on the account of the Claims Conference and are not used for personal compensation for the victims, for whom they were intended, but for improving social and living conditions, which is a concern of the state and its budget.

2. These funds are allocated through many public organizations that are not burdened with strict rules for the distribution of these funds, in which the leadership of these organizations does not forget about themselves and their assistants and can receive such funds as legalized salaries or hidden "kickbacks" in gratitude for the allocated funds.

3. The lists of persons entitled to material assistance on the occasion of holidays, solemn dates, or the poor for medical purposes are not always complete and accessible to society in need of such assistance.

Look at:,7340,L-3338282,00.html

"In fact, not enough money actually reaches the survivors. Significant amounts are being transferred to organizations such as Gur Hasidim, the Jewish Agency, other organizations associated with Agudat Israel and others. And it is unclear whether the money reaches the desired destination. For example, the American ambulance organization receives funding, and some hospitals in Israel receive funding, although they do not provide any preferential treatment for Holocaust survivors. "

Author's comment:

Based on the research conducted by the author Anatoly Sheydin (Anshey Din) In search of truth. The origins of the Holocaust  became clear that ominous role in the tragedy of the Holocaust, which was played by the communities of ultra-Orthodox Judaism and the Jewish Agency to change Hitler's policy towards the Jews of Germany: instead of exile for destruction. And this may be their main fault in the tragedy of the Jewish people, under whose name ("Jews") the most aggressive ultra-Orthodox Judaism communities are hiding, always opposing the creation of a Jewish state (before the arrival of the Messiah).

Moreover, it is completely unreasonable to spend the funds of Jews affected by the Holocaust to finance the activities of such organizations. It should also be recognized that the approach of the German authorities to link the right to receive payments to Jewish families who fled from the occupation with disability when it comes to loss of property, material and financial values, loss or injury of relatives and friends should be recognized as erroneous.

 I call on the public to support this claim against the Claims Conference organization and oblige it to exclude it from the questionnaires for receiving additional payment for the texts of the "Application" and "Consent" and to pay the due sums with compensation for justified damage to victims of the actions of the Claims Conference itself.


This is an electronic translation from the original in Russian.


© Copyright: Sheidin Anatoly (Anshay Din) 2021




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