Отпущение грехов

11 октября 2016
Когда смотрю на суету земную
В дни отпущения грехов, 
Мне жаль людей, за жизнь у них такую,
Где каждый согрешить готов.

Коль без грехов Вы жизнь прожить хотите?
Я подскажу Вам: не грешите.
Конечно, это путь иной.
Зато живёте с чистою душой.

Не лгите ни себе, ни людям,
Не поощряйте зло, добро творите  сами,
И Ваша жизнь уже безгрешной  будет.
Пусть Бог с чужими разбирается грехами.

А если в чём-то Вы и согрешили
И совесть Ваша требует прощенья,
Идите к тем, кому Вы зло свершили,
Покайтесь и просите избавленья.

Пускай они поймут страданья Ваши
И сами пусть придут к какому-то итогу. 
Испейте горькую за Ваш проступок чашу.
А, если их уж нет,  то - обращайтесь к Богу.

© Copyright: Аншей Дин, 2016
Свидетельство о публикации №116101106893  

Комментариев: 4

Jike30 ноября 2016 07:42
Gucci replica uk sale season is our favorite time of year, but it can get overwhelming--a lot is going on at once, new stuff pops up left and right and it's difficult to wade through a sale section and effectively spot all the best pieces. Because we have literal years of professional experience doing exactly that, we're here to help you find the most sought-after stuff at a discount, and our first stop in the Black Friday run-up is the mulberry replica uk sale, which just launched yesterday.
The Net-a-Porter sale is legendary and much-anticipated for a reason: the site's selection of products is great overall, so it's worth getting excited when any of it goes on sale. Below, we've selected a dozen of the best bags for your shopping pleasure; we promise, this is only just the beginning. Shop the fendi outlet uk sale now.
AA8 декабря 2016 03:21
We've made it past Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and now we've arrived here on Regular ol' Tuesday, wondering where we are and what hermes handbags outlet just happened. There are a lot of ways to answer that, but for our purposes, we've found ourselves in the thick of holiday shopping season. And ideally for us, of course, there would be a handbag under every tree. Whether you've found your way here in hopes of finding some guidance on what to get the bag lover in your life or if you're perusing our picks in order to drop some hints to the people who have you on their shopping lists, we have some suggestions for all different personal styles, budgets and potential uses. Check out our annual set of over two dozen highly giftable bags below. Not all sale finds are created equal. Some bags, colors or leathers are more popular, go on sale more rarely or disappear quicker than others. Right now, in the very early days of mulberry replica handbags sale season, is the time to concern yourself with finding those pieces, should any of them be on your shopping lists. (And, let's be real: their scarcity is because they're on a lot of shopping lists.) Because I get paid to sift through sale sites with a fine-tooth comb all day and you guys theoretically get paid to do other things, I've gone ahead and done just that to find the replica handbags uk that are most in danger of selling out at their current discounts. Celebs are loving pretty pink Chanels, Lady Diors and "classic" Gucci bags this week. There is also a rather alluring mystery bag in play, which we need your help identifying. This is a task that our readers absolutely excel at, so I have no doubt we'll have this case cracked within an hour of this posting. Also, check back later this week to find out what cheap breitling replica celebs chose for their Thanksgiving holiday excursions.
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